My daily thoughts

I always thought that short hair does not go well with Girls
December 29, 2007, 3:26 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

After seeing episode 8 of ROME, i am convinced that short hair does look well on girls. I mean I always thought that short hair girls ( just look at the girl in the picture) were butches.



Alas, after her sexy hot attractive acting in episode 8 of ROME, she may be my dream girl.. haha….

Cat vs Dog theology
December 29, 2007, 3:14 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I was clearing my room, since I would be shaving my head, when I chance upon this piece of paper that was pin to my desk. Its an interesting article about the type of Christian that you are…


  1. What each says- “You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. I must be God”
  2. Getting to heaven- Cats have a tendency to walk away from hell. Their sole focus is on themselves
  3. Motivation for being a Christian- Cats want to follow Christ because they know they will get a good life if they do. Their focus is on themselves.
  4. Guarantee of salvation- Cats are sure they are Christian because they have prayed a “salvation prayer” some time in their live
  5. Worship- Cats primarily worship God for what He’s done for them
  6. Prayer- Cats use prayer to ask God for things they want
  7. Lordship- Cats have a very limited lordship. Christ is Lord as long as they are being blessed
  8. Grieving over sin- Cats feel bad about sinning. Their focus is on how they feel
  9. Incomplete Gospel- Cats are saved from HELL. This is not incorrect but is incomplete


  1. What each say- ” you pet me , you feed me, you shelter me, you love me. You must be God.”
  2. Getting to Heaven.- Dogs walk towards heaven having fallen in love with God. Many Christians today are joyless because they are still focused on themselves and are walking away from hell
  3. Motivation for being a Christian- Dogs want to follow Christ becayse they know that it is the right thing to do
  4. Guarantee of Salavation- Dogs are sure they are Christians because they hunger for God in their lives. They may or may not have prayed a specific “salvation prayer” at some time in their lives
  5. Worship- Dogs worship God for who he is
  6. Prayer- Dogs us prayer to advance God’s kingdom
  7. Lordship- Dogs have a complete lordship. Christ is Lord even if they are asked to do things they don’t want to do
  8. Grieving over sin- Dogs realise they are grieving the spirit of God when they sin
  9. Incomplete Gospel- ‘Dogs are saved from hell TO WORSHIP GOD

So after reading this, are you a cat or dog.

I am legend “spoiler galore”
December 26, 2007, 3:39 pm
Filed under: First Impressions!

Went to watch “I Am Legend” during Christmas with my dad and brother. And OMG, i thot it was super bad.  Before I go and rant about this movie, do note that it would be filled with spoilers.



 Mankind has managed to cure cancer with the manipulation of the virus that causes it. While it held great promises, it soon turned into a nightmare for the world. Somehow (MOVIE didnt clearly explain this, major huh???), the virus soon caused many to become more aggressive, losing their human traits while gaining animal like instincts (aka the zombies u see in the arcade game the house of the undead). Yup, our protagonist (Will Smith) decided to stay put to help solve this messy solution.

 However after 3 years later, his efforts yielded no fruits. One day, he entered into the zombie hive in order to rescue his dog (call me a wussy, but i got scare during tt part). He almost got caught, but was saved by the sun. (Zombies kinda melt under the sun). He then set a trap to catch a zombie in order to conduct his experiment. Although he succeded, the zombie boss sworn to get his revenge.

 And he it certainly got its revenge, as the zombie boss managed to trap our main character by using his own trick.  Well, our main character almost died, only to be saved by his dog. However, his life came at a cost, as his dog was soon infected. ( the part where Will Smith had to strangle his infected dog was quite sad, although it may scream animal abuse) After losing his buddy, Will Smith went berserk, and almost died, only to be saved by a woman and a child.

 It turns out that these people had managed to catch Will Smith radio frequency and were persuading him to follow them to the survivors community. Suddenly, his home was under attack as the zombies had followed them home. The humans then ran underground to the lab, where they discovered a cure for the virus. However, the zombies managed to break in and Will Smith then scarificed himself by hiding the woman and the child, before blowing himself with a grenade.

With the cure, the woman and the child went to the survivors community and then restor civilisation. The end….


The good

  • For woman viewers, u can c Will Smith awesome bod
  • For those seeing the movie in Cathy, u would be treated to a good sound system
  • interesting way of seeing Will Smith past via flashbacks

The bad

  • To freaky short. Its only like 1.5 hours. What can 1 do with such a short timing.
  • Where is the witty Will Smith that we saw during Independence Day
  • Some plotholes, like how did the virus come about to bring about the mutation. And why the hell is he the last man in New York, when he holed himself in a fortress, why didnt he bring in survivors. A big timeskip, what happened during those 3 years. Why the heck did he had to hunt for dears, i mean he had lots of food and as for specimens, he had rats.
  • Should have expanded to flashbacks. For example, like how did Will Smith managed to cope with the crisis initially.
  • Should have emphasis more on certain events. For example, the mental torture he had to go through every night. Or even his daily routine.
  • Should have expanded the story. Maybe like including the trip from his fortress to the survivor community
  • The ending is to abrupt, didnt had the drama or the excitement as Independence Day

All in all, this Will Smith movie pale in comparison to the Independence Day. I want my money and time back…

December 24, 2007, 4:14 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This was taken from the dvd of indescribable concert by Chris Tomlin. I am trying to find a link tt shows the entire dvd (hmm maybe i shld download it).

 Just look at this picture when scientist from NASA pointed the hubblescope to the centre of the whirlpool.


Now if u look closer, its look juz like Jesus dieing on the cross ( ah another post on this when i have the time). My 1st thot was WOW, just look at how great is our god. I mean, if tt fail to impress u on how majestic God is, i dun noe wat will.

Footprints in the sand
December 24, 2007, 3:58 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


 Something tt i heard during the sermon by Adriel. A must read on our walks with God, by Mary Stevenson who was young when she wrote this. It is amazing how us humans can be so insignificant and shortsighted to see our surroundings.

 Summary Excerpt 

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”

Mary Stevenson


I am back!!!!!
December 24, 2007, 3:52 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

After a long hiatus, I have decided to resume my blogging. This is after BEN LAU, aka the smiley banana/dancing queen/dougnut managed to convince me on the importance of ministering. While i cannot 100% ensure tt i keep to my commitment (ah i shall write my view on this in another post), i would do my best.

Another random post
July 19, 2007, 1:33 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hahaha, got a good laugh when I saw this

Vitamin C1
July 19, 2007, 1:31 pm
Filed under: 2SC3, Slice Of Life

Characteristics of Vitamin C1 aka Cherie Tan

Note: She is called C1 (reminds of me banannas in pyjamas) since there are others with names that start with C. BTW there is no Vitamin A as there isnt any1 in 2SC3 with their 1st letter being A.


  • Quite sick in the mind
  • Hybrid of Chinese and Indian
  • Her chinese > my chinese
  • Is an exact replicate of herself when she was young. Just abit horizontally and vertically well defined
  • Another nickname is the eyecatcher as she has caught the eyes of more than 1 guy. (And no its not me)
  • Likes stingray

Benefits to the body

  • Bio rep
  • Singer
  • Part of the frisbee finalist team
  • Kan chiong queen, no lah i made that up, she is super carefree
  • Likes to mug, so look up down to her for inspiration

Most funniest thing that Vitamin C1 has done

  • Apparently her stomach likes to growl loudly like a dinosaur during lessons.

Most memorable thing that Vitamin C1 has done

  • I cant say for certain reasons.

Vitamins of 2SC3
July 14, 2007, 3:30 pm
Filed under: 2SC3, Slice Of Life

On a much lighter note

 If 2SC3 is a body, then the people in it are the vitamins that ensure that the body dun screw up. Hahaha, I decided to create this entry so as to make fun show off my class. Telling the world on the wonderful class that I have.

Disclaimer: Everything here is based on my opinion, while I want to be as honest as possible, I will try to write it in such a way that do not piss people off. Should u still feel offended, pls forgive me. And now, on to our 1st vitamin, in no particular order, would be Vitamin B

 Characteristics of Vitamin B aka Bernice


  •  Short(<1.65M)

Benefits to the body

  • Comedian
  • likes to laugh out LOUD until like the whole school can hear (after all laughter is the best medicine)
  • bin where I dump all my nonsense
  • Top male female scorer for frisbeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Being shortest 2nd shortest (that title goes to Yuting aka Vitamin Y aka the pervent) allowing people like David Loh to disturb her

Most funny thing that Vitamin B has done

  • Cant think of anything. But you can read her antics of escape from lizard in her blog.

Most memorable thing that Vitamin B has done for the body

  • Cant think of anything.(She should have treated me for lunch for something, then I can at least come up with something)

Being dead
July 14, 2007, 3:13 pm
Filed under: EMO

Just like how this blog has been in hiatus dead (as mentioned by some people), I seriously think that my walk with God is dead. Whenever my friends ask me how is life, I would always say that it is ok. But I tell u now that it is NOT ok.Seriously, the last 2 weeks have been 1 hell of a emotional and spiritual rollarcoaster. There are times when I have great aspirations on what I want to do with the time I have, however, I often procristinate and fall back to my old sinful, rebellious ways. Often falling to the same old trial and temptation. Coupled with the fact that the prelmins is approaching in like 3o days (and dun get me started on why I am so angry with myself with my studies), I just want to give up man.

Tsk tsk tsk, as mentioned by my YSGL (Youth small group leader) Perry, this period is one where his spirtual walk with God would be the worst.Since, he neither have the wildfire that he ignited at the start of the year, nor would he have the conviction to end the year well. I honestly dun know what God is trying to do here by making me put up with so many trial and tributes, although I know its for my own good, I just want it to stop. I feel very lonely in my walk with God.